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Meet CEO Tyrone

Meet Tyrone, our co-founder, original inventor, and a developer at heart. Tyrone’s story: I’m Tyrone Krieger, the original brain behind CodeGlass, and I proudly introduce myself as the CEO of this groundbreaking venture. Since I first delved into electronics, particularly computers, I’ve been captivated by their inner workings. I was always eager to grasp the magic behind the commands I typed and the programs I crafted. This curiosity led me to pursue a career in software development, and it’s been an exhilarating journey. My journey here had challenges, but let’s fast forward to my university days. Countless hours of debugging applications led to a revelation – an idea to revolutionize debugging and streamline the process. This concept became the foundation of CodeGlass. When I proposed this idea, it faced scepticism and disbelief. Many believed it was impossible, a non-existent solution to a problem they’d accepted as a fact of life. I chose to challenge that assumption, and I’m glad I did. After graduation, I found myself at a crossroads – a trained developer who’d also become the visionary behind a game-changing product. I realized that, as no one else could envision or create CodeGlass, I was the most appropriate person to lead the company. My journey isn’t about becoming a CEO but solving a problem in our industry. My role as CEO is simply a means to that end. As I lead CodeGlass into the future, I aspire to create a company where developers don’t resent management, just as I once challenged the belief that CodeGlass was impossible. We can prove them wrong once again. I look forward to the exciting opportunities ahead and am grateful for your support. Feel free to reach out ,if you have any question about me or codeglass, at

Welcome to CodeGlass, a groundbreaking software development tool from an innovative startup based in the Netherlands. Our mission is to provide the best tools for software developers, and CodeGlass is a shining example of that commitment.

An Intuitive, lightweight but powerful tool for and by developers.